Labyrint vase by Mari Simmulson
330 kr
Inka inspired vase with elevated matte white glaze on brown glossy glaze.
DESIGNER: Mari Simmulson
MAKER: Upsala Ekeby
YEAR: 1965-1967
DIMENSIONS: Diameter 15 cm, height 20 cm, weight 800 gram
COLOUR: Brown and white
CONDITION: Good except for some small patches where the white glaze is lost. Fortunately, the color beneath these patches is white, so it they are not so visible.
TRIVIA: The series, "Labyrint" was designed in 1963 and manufactured 1965-67. The series consists of a total of six items, including a large floor vase.
See the large plate within the same Labyrint series HERE
Taggar: vas, blomvas, keramik, stengods, stengodsvas, keramikvas